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MDBP Hearings
Water buybacks rip the economic heart out of our region – I get it. But it’s hard to get some people in Canberra to understand.

Water buybacks rip the economic heart out of our region – I get it. But it’s hard to get some people in Canberra to understand.
The Senate will hold an inquiry about changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan but there will only be two hearings, and both of those will be held in Canberra.
This is incredibly disrespectful to Basin communities whose economic future is on the line. This week a Coalition Committee held hearings in Shepparton about changes to the plan.
We listened to major processors, farmers and community leaders about how water buybacks and taking an extra 450GL of water from the Basin would devastate regions like ours.
This was the first leg of a tour, listening to Basin communities. We will take the damning findings back to the Senate Committee to ensure the voices of the Basin are heard.
I encourage people to also make a written submission; it doesn’t matter how short, to help me in the fight to protect our precious food bowl.
Written submissions can be sent to my email or office postal address.
2024 Calendar Competition Entries Now Open!
Do you have the top shot that represents Nicholls?
I want to see it in my 2024 calendar!

It could be a farm, art mural, tourist destination, watering hole, sports club, community club, post box, shed, puppy, person, weather, a house, garden; the options are endless, but it must be local.
The free calendar will be distributed across our region and the photograph that makes the front cover will receive a $100 gift voucher at a photography shop of their choice.
Pictures can be sent to sam.birrell.mp@aph.gov.au, with entries closing Wednesday November 1.
Voice to Parliament
Australia will head to the polls on Saturday October 14 for the 2023 Voice to Parliament Referendum.
If you’re unable to vote on the day, there’s a number of locations across the region where you can take part in early voting.

These locations can be found on the AEC website.
It’s critically important to analyse this alteration to the constitution and make an informed decision. Good people will, and have, come to different conclusions on whether they support this proposal.
It’s essential we conduct the debate prior to the referendum and discussions after, whichever way the poll goes, with civility and respect.
Remembering Our Heroes
Nearly $30,000 will go to local organisations to support commemorative projects across our region.
The Saluting Their Service program funds grassroots projects which honour the service and sacrifices of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

Funding will help get the following projects off the ground:
* Restore and upgrade parts of the Shepparton and District War Memorial
* Install a medal display board at the Seymour RSL Hall
* Restore honour boards at Tallygaroopna Memorial Hall
* Construct a new cenotaph at the Tongala Avenue of Honour
I encourage other community organisations, councils and schools to apply for the next round of the Saluting Their Service Commemorative grants program which is now open.
Grant Opportunities
Sporting Champions Grants – Provides financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international sporting championships. If successful, applicants will receive $500-$750 towards the cost of attending their championships. Applications close October 31.

Free NBN for Eligible Families – Families across Nicholls may be eligible to access free broadband internet services over the NBN network through the Australian Government’s School Student Broadband Initiative.
Families must have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school in 2023, have no current broadband internet connection over the NBN network at their home and live in a premises where they can access the NBN network.
Find out more or eligible families interested can contact my office – sam.birrell.mp@aph.gov.au